Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Nicky's in race to face Chelsea

Key midfielder Nicky Butt (we couldn't have put it better ourselves) faces a fight to be fit for Newcastle United's game with Premiership leaders Chelsea at Stamford Bridge on Saturday.

The England international has been troubled with hamstring problems ever since he arrived at St James' Park from Manchester United in the close season. (Curious. He didn't really seem to have hamstring problems in Manchester, only an ankle that wouldn't settle down.)

He returned from England duty in Spain having aggravated the injury and this led to him missing the trip to Crystal Palace nine days ago.

However, Butt was back in midweek for the game with Sochaux in the UEFA Cup on Thursday night and his absence against Everton yesterday was something of a surprise...

Souness said: "Nicky is feeling his hamstring and it's not 100% right, so I think we'll try and get it right this time." (Glad to hear it. The radio boys said it would be six weeks, which is simply unacceptable.)

Come on, Nicky. Get that hamstring sorted, lad. We need your ginger genius out on that pitch. The mere thought of you and Damien Duff on the same piece of ground makes my mouth water. Be your usual brilliant self but just don't hurt him, k? I still hold out hope of you playing in the same side one day. That would be heaven!

italics mine. newsy bits are by Alan Oliver, The Evening Chronicle

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Wouldn't This Be Sweet!

One to watch out for the home side is former Manchester United player, Nicky Butt. He will come up against his former teammates (for the first time) since his move to the North-East and if you follow the theory whereby old boys haunt their former clubs with a goal, then watch out for him to score in this match.


Saturday, November 13, 2004

Now It Begins: The Build-Up to Sunday

Nicky and an old friend. 30Dec2001 photo Andrew Budd
Sir Alex has a laugh...he still loves our boy!!
The Scot had a word of warning for Newcastle's former United midfielder Nicky Butt.

"I will fine him if he passes to a black and white jersey," he said.

"Seriously though Nicky was a great player here and a great character. We miss him in the dressing room.

"It was a good move for him career-wise. I got a text from him the other day and he seems to have settled in well."


And now we hear from best-mate Giggsy:

Tomorrow's game sees former United midfielder Nicky Butt come up against his old club for the first time since he left Old Trafford in the summer.

Giggs admitted his former team-mate will be relishing the prospect of coming up against his old friends.

"I've spoken to Nicky a few times since he moved to Newcastle and he's really enjoying it there," said Giggs.

"The time was right for him to move on and I know for a fact he doesn't regret his decision at all.

"Playing regular football for a good team is just what he needed and I think everyone can see it's got him back to the level he was at a few years ago with United."

Friday, November 12, 2004

Nicky Hurt? Say It Isn't So...

Manchester United roars into Newcastle this weekend, and the big story for Nicky fans is that, ahead of his first competition against his former lifelong team, Nicky is doubtful with a mild concussion picked up midweek against Chelsea.


Feel better soon, Nicky. We'd hate to have you miss Sir Alex and the lads on Sunday.

Late addition: I knew it. Now they're saying Nicky had migraine as well as concussion. That is exactly what I was afraid of. Double whammy. Not looking good for the Sunday match-up. Rest and be well, Nicky.

Nicky's a peach.Thank You, Rio!

Friday, 12th November 2004
Silence golden for hit squad
Stuart Mathieson
The St James' Park test will pitch the Reds in against a former Old Trafford stalwart in the shape of Nicky Butt - if he is declared fit after being concussed against Chelsea in the Carling Cup on Wednesday.

The midfielder's move to the North East this summer for £2.5m ended a trophy-rich decade of senior service for United.

And while Ferdinand was only his club colleague for two seasons, he feels that he owes a debt of gratitude to the Mancunian.

"When I came to Old Trafford, Nicky helped me more than anyone to integrate into the club," Rio added.

"He was that kind of guy. He really helped me settle in. Even when my move from Leeds was being talked about while we were out in Japan with England in the 2002 World Cup, Nicky was telling me all about the club.

"You don't need much persuading to join United, of course, but Nicky was there explaining everything about the place to me. Along with David Beckham, I think Nicky gave me the best insight into life at Manchester United.

"To have that knowledge and preparation before coming to such a huge club is always helpful. I was grateful to him for that.

"That is the kind of guy Nicky is. He got on with everybody.

"It will be weird for him on Sunday playing against us for the first time having been a mainstay of the team for so long but it won't be difficult for him.

"As much as he is a United fan, the nature of the profession is that when you move to a new club, you want them to win."

Nick is a great competitor and with the extra motivation from playing his old club, then we'll have to watch out for him."

you can read the entire article at: http://www.manchesteronline.co.uk/sport/football/manchesterunited/s/136/136757_silence_golden_for_hit_squad.html